The Benefits of Coaching

Any and everyone can benefit from a coach. The path to success in any endeavor can be long, lonely and riddled with mistakes. Athletes use them all the time. We expect apprentices in skilled trades, interns in business settings. Why shouldn't we have them in our personal life? A coach or mentor isn't someone who is superior to you. Many athletes are better performers than their coaches. Rather they are guides, accomplices or supports whose experience has taught them the challenges you will face in what you want to learn and strategies to more efficiently and effectively achieve the goal you set out.

Step 1 - Positive Thinking

There are many reasons why you may not have been successful at doing this in the past. Your thoughts and attitude may have hindered you more than you know. As your coach, I will guide you, listen to you and challenge you to focus your mind positively to create the best environment for you to succeed.

Step 2 - Awareness of body and soul

I work from the inside out to help you reach your infinite potential. You achieve that by centering and quieting your energy so that you can focus within. Throughout our time together, I will help you develop trust in and openness to exploring unfamiliar practices and theories that can benefit your continuous change and evolution.


Step 3 - Fueling your body for success

All things are possible when you have the fuel to put your thoughts, dreams and plans into action. Eating right gives you the energy to balance life, work, kids, and health. That puts you in a space to change and grow. I offer simple solutions and help you to take an active role in improving your overall health & wellness.


My Coaching Philosophy

The base of my work is my studies and belief in ancient Egyptian philosophies, but practiced using modern day scientific techniques. The mix of both gives my clients and me a strong holistic foundation on which to build on.

The four phases include:

1. Introduction of the wellness model
2. Assessment of wellness
3. Designing and implementing interventions
4. Evaluation and follow up

This four-phase model will be the structure that frames the way our work together proceeds. Within our six months together I will employ all the tools I have to help you better your life--with any combinations of yoga, meditation, nutrition and all my educational resources so that we work holistically to help you reach your goals.

The Five Factor Wellness Inventory Model

This model is a structural model that identifies factors which are central to healthy living. 

It shows how individuals function in relation to forces both within themselves and in the world around them. It  also represent domains of human functioning where the acceptance of personal responsibility and choice will have positive effects on well-being.

Ready to step forward into health and wellness?

Schedule a free initial consultation with me today!

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